Why Women Should Consider Becoming Electricians
June 28, 2021
Working as an electrician can be a rewarding career filled with opportunities. While it’s true that the construction trades have traditionally been worked by men, there is truly nothing physical or mental preventing women from working in the trades.
Both men and women have enjoyed great success in the construction trades. Today, there are plenty of jobs for women in the construction industry, in particular as electricians.
More women work in the construction trades than you might think, and more women are expected to join in the near future.
If you have limited experience working in the trades—or no experience at all—you might not expect to see even a single woman working on a job site. That is a common expectation, as the construction industry has been dominated by men for decades.
But that is changing. Currently, women make up 10.9% of the U.S. construction workforce, up two percentage points from a decade ago. If this trend holds, by 2030 women will make up close to 14% of the construction workforce.
So, roughly 1 out of 10 people working in the construction industry is female. That number is expected to grow considerably in the next decade, as more women join the trades and as more job opportunities open up. The construction industry is expected to grow over the next decade. The electrical industry, in particular, is predicted to grow by 8% in the next 10 years. More jobs means more opportunities for everyone.
In addition to all of the above, there is growing pressure on businesses to increase the diversity of their workforces. This isn’t just because of societal pressures. Construction businesses are recognizing that the businesses and governments they serve have an increasing number of women in their leadership, and that trust can be built by having more women in their own workforces.
For women, now is as good a time as any to join the trades.
Women earn 99.1% of what men earn in the construction industry.
Unfortunately, the gender pay gap in the United States is a very real thing. In the U.S., on average, women make just 81% of what men make.
But certain industries are much more fair than others. And the construction trades are at the very forefront of equality when it comes to pay. Women earn 99.1% of what men earn working in the construction industry. While it is not 100%, the construction industry is the most fair when it comes to equal pay between genders.
Women interested in becoming an electrician, or joining any other construction trade, really shouldn’t hesitate.
The construction industry is changing. While the majority of the workforce is still male, more women are joining the trades now than ever before—and with good reason.
Skilled laborers are in demand. The construction industry is expected to grow considerably over the next decade. Women can do the job just as well as men. In addition, women earn 99.1% of what men earn in the construction industry. Compensation in the construction industry is more fair than any other industry in the United States.
If you want to become an electrician, don’t hesitate! I-TAP is here to help and support you. Get in touch with us today to learn about our electrician trainee course and how you can enroll!
Ready to learn a skilled trade and work on some of the most exciting commercial construction projects in California and beyond?
I-TAP is an electrical apprenticeship program that helps you find your passion, grow your skills, and place you in the perfect electrician job.